Well alot has gone on since the last blog, the exhibition at Plymouth Arts Centre from the 9th to the 11th was a real success and attracted alot of attention to our collective. The work was fantastic and we all had a good time, for something that we had put together in such a short amount of time we should be very proud.
Next arts centre exhibition will be around Christmas time, so we can develop the foundations that we have laid and strive to make it even better and even more organised.
We have also been discussing a mini exhibition, which is likely to be in 45 cafe on Ebrington Street, and can hopefully go on for a couple of weeks this time. The date we have in mind is 20th of October, and there is a loose 'technology' theme. So get working and be sure to produce work that takes up less than... I don't know, a meter squared?
What do people think of this idea?
If you wish to submit work then please make an effort to turn up to meetings or at least read the minutes so that you know of any developments, and we know that you wish to show work. The more organised we can be, the more we can raise the profile of practising artists in this city, which is good for the city and of course good for the artists who are working hard wanting to show their work to the world.
We have proved that we can put on a good diverse show in a good contemporary gallery, now we have to push things even further forward. We are here and we cannot be ignored!
Watch this space...
Is there a meeting on Wednesday 29th Sept? If so where?